
Showing posts from February, 2021

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Tetzave

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Tetzave This part in Parashat Tetzave is taught by Rabbi Albert Setton   

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Tetzave

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Tetzave This part in Parashat Tetzave is taught by Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom   

R. Ikey Tawil - Missva Teruma: "Building a Temple For Hashem"

R. Ikey Tawil - Missva Teruma: "Building a Temple For Hashem" This part in Parashat Teruma is taught by Rabbi Ikey Tawil   

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Teruma

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Teruma This part in Parashat Teruma is taught by Rabbi Albert Setton   

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Teruma

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Teruma This part in Parashat Teruma is taught by Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom   

R. Ikey Tawil - Missva Mishpatim: "Mixing Meat and Milk"

R. Ikey Tawil - Missva Mishpatim: "Mixing Meat and Milk" This part in Parashat Mishpatim is taught by Rabbi Ikey Tawil   

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Mishpatim

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Mishpatim This part in Parashat Mishpatim is taught by Rabbi Albert Setton   

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Mishpatim

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Mishpatim This part in Parashat Mishpatim is taught by Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom   

R. Ikey Tawil - Missva Yitro: "Sanctifying Shabbat and Refraining From Melakha"

R. Ikey Tawil - Missva Yitro: "Sanctifying Shabbat and Refraining From Melakha" This part in Parashat Yitro is taught by Rabbi Ikey Tawil   

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Yitro

R. Albert Setton - Rashi - Yitro This part in Parashat Yitro is taught by Rabbi Albert Setton   

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Yitro

R. Yitzchak Etshalom - Haftara - Yitro This part in Parashat Yitro is taught by Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom